Mystery Scotch Tasting with Gentlemen of the World
Mystery Scotch Tasting with Gentlemen of the World
Mossburn No. 21 (Benrinnes 10yr)
Walking you through this Mossburn No. 21, we'll delve into its light color, elusive legs, and an array of intriguing aromas. Imagine smelling vanilla, marshmallow, and a tire shop's rubber, all swirling together in a complex bouquet. But wait, there's more - a fruity cocktail of pineapple and pear, with a nutty whiff of almonds. All of this beneath the surface of a Scotch that isn't trying too hard - subtle, yet beguilingly complex.
You'll learn about the immersive dance between the Scotch's high ABV and its peaty palate. We'll discuss the meadow-like aroma becoming a floral symphony when water is added. We'll reveal how this change intensifies the peat and salt on the palate - and we'll consider the distiller's reputation and whether this particular Scotch lived up to our expectations. We'll also uncover the intriguing evolution of Scotch flavor over time - always improving, always surprising. We'll also compare this to some "interesting" animals.
As we share our collective rating and mull over whether we'd buy this Scotch again, we hope to ignite your own curiosity about this captivating spirit. An unforgettable adventure in alcohol and aroma awaits you. Grab a glass, sit back, and let us guide your journey into the heart of Scotch.
MST Rating: 7.76
This is Mystery Scotch Tasting with Gentlemen of the World and we are a club that gets together and we try scotch blind With me tonight. I'm Justin, I'm Dave, I am Vern, I'm Evan, I'm Andrew and Dave. And how we start every club meeting, we pick up our scotch and we visualize it with our eyeballs and talk about what we see.
Speaker 2:Very light Mexico water.
Speaker 1:Does that mean like water?
Speaker 2:that has corona in it.
Speaker 1:It's just, yeah, it's almost corona.
Speaker 3:It's water with just a touch of motor oil.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's not completely clear, but it's pretty darn close. It's very light, very light, it's like less than straw, less than white wine. I don't know how are the legs.
Speaker 3:I'm not getting a lot of legs.
Speaker 1:Not a whole lot of legs.
Speaker 4:There, there, you just can't see them In your eyes, invisible legs.
Speaker 5:She's a skinny girl.
Speaker 2:I see some legs.
Speaker 5:It might be very sticky to the point where it doesn't even oh yeah, do legs.
Speaker 4:I see some legs yeah.
Speaker 1:It's almost prismatic. But we're thinking this scotch skips leg day. Is it Prismatic? Sounds like it could be.
Speaker 3:I see leg residue.
Speaker 2:Leg residue. Can you explain, Just like?
Speaker 3:yeah, it's like. When you spin it around you can see where it was.
Speaker 5:Yeah, it's like the idea of there was an idea of legs, leg memories, yeah.
Speaker 2:I mean, this is I think last month we had a really light color. It's got this might be lighter.
Speaker 4:It seems like it Right.
Speaker 6:So, First fill barrel, that was maybe.
Speaker 2:Yeah, or what would that be Like a second refill, something that's so light?
Speaker 5:Interesting, interesting, I say yes, but you had distant A on the horizon. Let's give it a whiff.
Speaker 1:Smell it yeah.
Speaker 2:Ooh yeah, that's what I was hoping for. It's like an ocean blast right up front, but like a lotion A lotion blast 32 ounces of just body lotion, like the bottle just exploded on your dash and like sunk into the vinyl and like a speaker. And then just somewhere else it's 120 degrees a day and I got that.
Speaker 4:It's like you need it on your hands, so you just stick your hands in between like the oh, there we go Ocean.
Speaker 3:No, like a fresh little. I definitely agree with the ocean, but I'm also getting some vanilla.
Speaker 2:Yeah, there's some sweetness, definitely some sweet, some sweet, yeah, which I feel like ocean vanilla.
Speaker 1:That's not real. That can't be real. That sounds so stupid, or is it no? No, you did it in Scotch, it's totally real, yeah, almost like marshmallow.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I was going to say something like yeah, hot and candy.
Speaker 6:Yeah, cotton candy, but for me all of these notes are like inside of a tire, huh, oh yeah, like you just throw all these ingredients inside the inside of a tire and then like Roll it up, smell it and then roll it down the hill. Yeah.
Speaker 3:Sounds like the worst smore over. Are you in the tire when the Scotch is in the tire and rolling down the hill? Maybe, okay.
Speaker 4:If you make a smore over a fire like a tire fire, a tire fire. But there's no smoke yeah.
Speaker 2:No, it's not super smoky, dave. That's actually the more I smell it. I think that's pretty spot on. It's like when you walk into a tire shop, yeah, yeah, and you just get that smell of.
Speaker 3:Yeah like fresh rubber.
Speaker 6:Yeah, fresh rubber.
Speaker 2:It's good one. It's quality. Yeah, like Pirelli's. Yeah, yeah, the only other place I smell.
Speaker 3:That same note is when I've been like in, like a place that has wetsuits, because I work in the surface industry yeah. Wetsuits like neoprene wetsuits like get that same kind of like interesting rubber smell too yeah.
Speaker 4:A little like apple juice.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I was just going to say there's something fruity like Apple juice is pretty good. I think pear maybe.
Speaker 3:I'm getting some pineapple. Ooh, yeah, I love you.
Speaker 5:That's good. A pineapple note in Scotch is one of my favorite scotches.
Speaker 1:I know, mike, it's kind of tropical. Yeah, what a yeah. At least a weird smelling.
Speaker 5:Scotch. It smells scotch, I cannot wait to taste this. Yeah, but it doesn't smell over the top.
Speaker 3:No, it's probably too hard.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm not offended by anything that anybody has said so far. Yeah, you could still offend me later, but so far nobody's offended.
Speaker 3:But you also have to get kind of in there to smell it yeah. Like some Scotch should get even nearer. And you're like good lord Wow, what's happening.
Speaker 4:And I mean this in a good way. It's like a well-applied perfumer, or cologne, where it's like the smells are there if you're looking for them and you're close to it, yeah.
Speaker 1:But like it's not blowing your socks off. Yeah, it's not axe spray. Exactly those people just like put so much axe on them and you could smell them from the other side of the room, type thing.
Speaker 5:And so it's like just really like one of those. I just got the pair note, but it's the like, the brown pairs Bust Is that was Bartlett Bartlett. I think, yeah, I think with it the skin is really kind of prominent, yeah.
Speaker 1:But like a really ripe version of that Getting some almonds like raw almonds, wow, yeah, okay, guys, this is all on the note. Yes, this is really interesting.
Speaker 3:And again, I just love. I'm gonna double down on that almond note.
Speaker 5:I love when scotches don't try too hard. I feel like it's the difference of like a master, a true master distiller that knows what they're doing, that they don't feel like they have a point to prove, other than, just, like you know, they want grandpa to be proud. Yeah.
Speaker 4:So yeah, I'm getting kind of along the almond notes. It's like an apple tart with like an almond crust.
Speaker 2:That's very specific but not wrong at all, and beautiful.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that was sounded very tasty.
Speaker 2:Yeah, the apple is a good call.
Speaker 6:It's more of like an apple cider for me too.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 5:Is there an equivalent to when something is delicious for your nose, because delicious is, you have to eat it. But is there like a level of deliciousness just for your nose Like nose-licious.
Speaker 1:Yes, to be delicious Expressive. I like nose-licious.
Speaker 3:I think nose-licious is nice. Yeah, it's nice, it's good.
Speaker 2:It's an easy win Centiferous.
Speaker 3:Centiferous.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's a real word.
Speaker 3:Centiferous is pretty rad.
Speaker 4:Nose-licious sounds like a 90s kind of candy that you'd bring the kids. Oh, mom, give me some nose-licious.
Speaker 1:Ah, so good, yeah, is there. Can we trademark that Like right now? I mean I think we should and just talk to Webster, miriam, whatever. And just like, get that in the encyclopedia or whatever.
Speaker 2:Yeah. Now I'm getting like fresh cherries, Not the cherries in a jar, nothing syrupy maraschino, but like if you get really fresh juicy cherries.
Speaker 3:But are they Rainier? Are they? What Are they Rainier?
Speaker 2:cherries, you're the Washington guy, you tell me.
Speaker 3:Well, yeah, I mean I ate a whole deck of Rainier cherries last night. And when she said cherries I was like these are Rainier's if they're cherries.
Speaker 1:Rainier's. Those are the ones you're supposed to have with, like an old fashioned rain.
Speaker 3:No no, no. Rainier cherries are like the speckled, like yellow and red cherries.
Speaker 2:That's exactly what I'm thinking about. My white just got some at the farmers market.
Speaker 3:They're really bright, you know, yeah.
Speaker 2:And that's a great word for the centrifuris-ness of this scotch.
Speaker 6:It's bright right, the smell of the scent is bright to me.
Speaker 1:I love that we are still on the nose, and the longer this goes on, the more things we start picking up. It's smelling better. Yes, it's smelling better.
Speaker 2:This is wild. It's almost like something I want as a room note, like in a candle or a flower, or something I would love for my body.
Speaker 1:A lotion, burn A lotion burn.
Speaker 3:A lotion was talking about earlier. Yeah, like an incense stick that smells like this?
Speaker 5:Yeah, why can't cologne smell like this?
Speaker 4:Yeah, I think this you pour yourself in this scotch you're like look how good I smell.
Speaker 1:Do you smell like?
Speaker 4:scotch man Come on.
Speaker 1:So I've decided this pod will just be the smelling pod and we'll do another podcast that will where we actually taste it, because there's just so much going on with the nose Too late I'm going in.
Speaker 5:Oh, Evan has tried the scotch.
Speaker 4:It's hot. It's a lot hotter than I expected.
Speaker 3:Very sweet, though it does have a boozy smell to it.
Speaker 4:It finishes very sweet and it kind of lingers, kind of like that syrupy sweetness, that like but this is a Fresh floral sweetness that we're getting on the nose kind of turns more into that like Wow, I don't want to say artificial, but more syrupy.
Speaker 2:It is more syrupy, wow, but very hot.
Speaker 1:It's got some heat. It's got some heat, man.
Speaker 5:I just took the smallest sip, wow.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that finishes extraordinary. It's really special Also syrupy fruit I'm going to say a note that you can't judge me on.
Speaker 4:I'm not judgment, nobody's listening.
Speaker 5:Let him say the note and it will decide.
Speaker 3:Like a boozy white wine, like a Chardonnay, like really boozy, though I don't, there's no judgment.
Speaker 1:I don't hate you for that.
Speaker 3:I'm just not a wine guy, so I feel embarrassed.
Speaker 1:I'm getting cherry cough syrup.
Speaker 2:Whoa, I'm getting the syrup that the canned pears are in.
Speaker 3:I'm getting the exact mouth feel that you get after taking cherry cough syrup.
Speaker 6:That coat I'm getting, like the I don't know if they're synthetic cherries, but like you know, when you get chocolate covered cherries kind of thing, yeah, and they're like juicy and gooey inside Not the chocolate, but the that cherry inside those candies. That's what the cherry is the cherry cordial. Yes.
Speaker 5:Cherry cordial, Very cordial. But then there I don't want to say it's peat per se, but there's something on the back end where it does kind of clean it up in like the most just, delicate and intentional way. It's kind of perfect.
Speaker 2:Woodsy like oak bokey yeah.
Speaker 5:I got vanilla and oak on it. So it's probably like maybe the first fill and young. But wouldn't you get more color from a first fill?
Speaker 2:You would Okay so maybe it's you get less color from a refill.
Speaker 5:But a lot of these, like fresh fruits, are sometimes like the six years. The six year old's catches you know on a first fill. That's like really boozy.
Speaker 1:Also all the sea breeze that we were talking about at the beginning. I'm getting. The ocean has vanished.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm getting none of it yeah.
Speaker 1:No more ocean, bye-bye.
Speaker 3:Maybe no water, maybe a lake, maybe a pond.
Speaker 1:Maybe a little cherry pond.
Speaker 4:I'm going to add a couple of drops, just to Ooh, wait, you're not Vern. Just to chill it out for a minute.
Speaker 2:I don't mind the heat. I mean, the heat is kind of upfront but it dissipates pretty quickly.
Speaker 4:Let me say I don't mind the heat either, but I feel like there's something more here, Something more for me to dig into.
Speaker 5:You're on. I mean you only had one taste and now you're adding water. Oh okay, I'm thirsty, Don't count. Yeah, woodsy. On the back end that oak is like is prominent, but not like not kick you in the mouth kind of prominent. It's a delicate kick to the mouth.
Speaker 3:Is everyone getting like a mouth numbing?
Speaker 6:Yeah, I'm curious.
Speaker 3:I want to check in this because you and I were both riffing on that.
Speaker 2:For me it's kind of like a pleasurable-. No, it's nice, yeah, it's not over the top. Yeah, yeah, like where you can still enjoy the flavors.
Speaker 4:It's funny when after adding a little bit of water, I get more of like the tire, kind of like rungery. Note on the nose.
Speaker 2:Oh interesting, oh, on the nose.
Speaker 5:Is the ocean back at all or still gone?
Speaker 6:No, we're in the tire Switch to like more medicinal, yeah, hmm.
Speaker 1:Hmm.
Speaker 6:Hmm.
Speaker 1:Less ocean, more pet boys, more.
Speaker 5:Pirelli More Pirelli Classy tires.
Speaker 4:So it's hard to say what it does to the taste. But what it does is it accentuates the flavor, so, like without the water, the flavors there kind of went away and then lingered. In the end this kind of elongates that whole process so it kind of sticks with you a little bit longer, kind of a little, just a little bit more bitter without the water or with the water.
Speaker 5:I mean From like the, the oakiness.
Speaker 4:I don't know.
Speaker 1:Or maybe the peat. Are you happy that you? Are you proud of yourself for adding water, or are you not proud of yourself?
Speaker 4:Not necessarily, not necessarily. Let me, let me go back again.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 5:This is the one. I wish we could just sit here and let this sit for like half an hour and then come back, because I feel like it's going to be a like for if we pour this again, you know when I cap, or whatever I feel like it will be a good change.
Speaker 4:Personally, I think I like it better without water Okay, because I kind of like that syrupy sweetness. The water kind of thins that out a little bit. I didn't add a lot of water, but I don't know.
Speaker 3:Do you guys feel like this scotch is a pretty big delineation from the nose to the palate?
Speaker 1:I don't know if there's a big for me, a big delineation I have. I will say I had more fun smelling it than I am drinking it.
Speaker 3:Okay, I get so that's kind of an answer, I think so.
Speaker 5:I think because you're, when you taste it you're kind of dealing with the higher ABV is is causing certain notes to stick, like more of the, the P is sort of sticking on on my throat, a little bit more on my tongue, and that's kind of dictating the, the, the flavor a bit, whereas when it was just a sin, if for us experience centipherous, centipherous experience.
Speaker 1:Andrew. Yeah, that's how it's pronounced.
Speaker 5:Yeah, cool. So you could really kind of play in the meadow and, and now you know, once you start drinking it's like you kind of find a place to sit down and now it's like it takes over you a little bit more.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm like kind of wishing I could get in a delirium and kind of go back to the smelling before I tried it.
Speaker 3:Just hang out there. It's a smelling scotch yeah.
Speaker 1:This is you buy it and you pour it in a glass and you just smell it and then, when you're done smelling it, you dump it out and go try and Google.
Speaker 2:I mean, I'm enjoying the tasting of it, but, yeah, me too. I think that is enhanced by the knowledge of what it smelled like, or the memory. Yeah, the memory, yeah, but it is changing as we're kind of sitting with it.
Speaker 5:I think it's just hard to pull things out of the taste because of that higher ABV, which I was hopeful that if you added water it would be more floral or fun and you'd be frolicking in the meadow again.
Speaker 4:But no, it's not necessarily in a bad way. It's become more peat forward and it's interesting because I would actually rather have the two kind of sensations reversed. I'd rather have more peat and smoke on the nose and have it finish with a more kind of delicate floral note. I don't even know if that's physically possible, but yeah, I would prefer to have them. Yeah, foot slopped.
Speaker 2:I'm getting like very little peat, but after adding water. Really.
Speaker 1:I feel like for me it's gotten, it's become a harsher ride. It's a. My throat is burning a little bit more than when it began.
Speaker 2:Have you added?
Speaker 1:water? No, it just. It's just been sitting out there in the air Just steaming and stewing.
Speaker 4:Like a succubus, sexy wind and it's a harsh mist, it's heavy.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's become heavy metal.
Speaker 2:The palette's really interesting because it goes very quickly from kind of tropical, almost starburst, to vanilla and an oak.
Speaker 6:for me, I'm still getting almonds. Yeah, I don't know, maybe that would be the oak, I don't know. Well, I mean, there's something negative about it still.
Speaker 4:When you like. If anything that you have that's artificial, that tastes like cherries, is, they use almond extract, so it's like almonds actually have a cherry kind of flavor to them If you go by almond extract and smell it and it's like it smells like cherries.
Speaker 3:But like almonds also give like a slight, like raw almonds give a slight mouth numbing to it as well.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, I feel like the nose has gotten a bit more floral. I don't know, maybe because Vernon keeps talking about meadows he really made a shout out about them.
Speaker 5:Yeah, how did water? And it got peter. It turns into like an isla. Yeah, with water I mean like the salt comes back or shows up and yeah, it's a little more straightforward. I think it just set itself up for failure with that nose how fun it was. And then you add water and it kind of just turns into a really good but like an isla. You know, not a full smoke, but a salty scotch, agreed and still, fine, it's good. Yeah, andrew, can you pass me Just be nice. If there was something else in there, I'm wondering if maybe you just need to let it hang for a bit and then it rears its little head.
Speaker 4:Yeah, it's definitely missing something on the palette. I can't quite put my finger on what I would want.
Speaker 2:It was actually pretty good with the Blackberries.
Speaker 1:But it would be a good combo. I like it with the water.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I don't mind it. I'm still not getting Not that you guys are wrong, but I'm still not getting a lot of the obvious Isla stuff, unless it's like a Boonahob in 12, where I don't know if lightly peated or unpeated, but it still gets some of that ocean to it.
Speaker 1:Not a whole lot of a little ocean funk. Is that what you're saying?
Speaker 2:Just a little bit of ocean lotion.
Speaker 1:Ooh.
Speaker 6:Yeah, I don't know, I'm enjoying it After adding water on the nose. It's definitely more peaty on the palette, but on the nose it's more breakfasty. Mm, Mm Cereals, I know, like pancakes and maple. What proper breakfast.
Speaker 5:Yeah, wow yeah.
Speaker 6:American breakfast, maybe with like a cherry syrup on top, like a sourdough bread toast.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, sour bread and toast, that's actually not a bad call.
Speaker 1:Yeah, this is the IHOP of Scotch.
Speaker 2:Well, I mean, I don't know if you have a baked bread at home, but this kind of has that Like I don't know if it's yeastiness, but kind of the pungent odor of fresh baked bread.
Speaker 4:Oh do me, it's getting better. The longer it's sitting Like, the more it's just kind of hanging out. I'm enjoying it actually.
Speaker 1:With the water too. I mean this will play out in my rating, but I wasn't having a good time before the water and I'm having a better time now that I've drank the water. The water has added points to my rating Really. Yeah, that's a little sneak peak.
Speaker 4:All right.
Speaker 1:They tuned, I guess, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 4:They tuned the points Wow.
Speaker 5:I still think it's a decently made Scotch. Not as good as it was on the nose, but I still feel like this is from a reputable no, I was going to say like a veteran distiller or distillery.
Speaker 2:I think, it's been around.
Speaker 5:I mean, I've all been around, but not like a young, fresh buck trying. But then again. I might totally can't that and say because it didn't deliver as much as a nose.
Speaker 1:Maybe it is which you were you had high praise for the distiller. At the beginning you were like this tastes like a distiller.
Speaker 6:It smells like a distiller that knows what the buck's up Does.
Speaker 1:the symptom first note and now they kind of don't yeah, is that what you're saying?
Speaker 5:Yeah. So I don't know if it's. I don't know if it's like an established distillery or a new distillery, but I would say it's one of those two.
Speaker 4:So for instance, it comes from a distillery.
Speaker 1:So it's got that. It's got so far.
Speaker 5:What you would do with, like greeting car, ride a.
Speaker 2:Disneyland which tire brand, tire brands. I think Pirelli nailed it.
Speaker 1:Well, how about this? So for those of you at home that aren't here, there's been a cat that's been following us around and he's like kitten actually. He's been looking in here and then he'll go and change windows and look through another window, and he keeps going back and forth. I've been watching him.
Speaker 2:So in honor of him, what animal would you say?
Speaker 1:this scotch is I love it.
Speaker 5:I thought we were going to adopt a cat Club cat.
Speaker 1:That could also happen. He's keeping the cupboard once a month. We've pulled him out. Comes out in the crate All hammered.
Speaker 5:Uh animal Starfish.
Speaker 3:Oh salty and mysterious. Yeah Regenerating, regenerating, rejuvenating, even I don't know.
Speaker 5:Yes, it's fun right at first, and then you're kind of like well, now what do I do with it Exactly?
Speaker 3:Like I've caught several, because then when you're fishing in Oregon you're fishing on the bottom, yeah, and like so you're, you're bringing in all sorts of shit. So I've caught many starfish and you're like I got one, you ran it in and you're like, oh okay, starfish doesn't count. You know, here you go.
Speaker 2:Bud.
Speaker 3:Go back to your home, you know, hmm.
Speaker 5:It's really good when I like that.
Speaker 4:I would say a reverse butterfly.
Speaker 5:Oh, so what is the name?
Speaker 4:It's like a butterfly kind of light and airy and pretty, and then it becomes a cat or fly.
Speaker 1:It's like a wrestling move, I was thinking that sex position is what I did.
Speaker 3:Either way, it sounds like it hurts. Whoa, whoa, whoa. You guys have never done the reverse butterfly.
Speaker 4:Some people are into that type of thing.
Speaker 2:That's true.
Speaker 4:I wasn't curious if we were going with animal or sex position, so I did both In times it's the same thing, Well yeah, so far we have starfish and reverse butterfly, which I think both are sex it's like a sex position Wow.
Speaker 1:Switch it up.
Speaker 3:But like kind of everything is.
Speaker 1:That's true. Yes, yes, okay, yes, check it out.
Speaker 5:I honestly, I don't think.
Speaker 2:I can do better than the reverse butterfly and the starfish Just encapsulate this so well.
Speaker 5:Yeah, I think those are both beautiful imaginary animal.
Speaker 2:Well, I'm going to steal one that would normally be reserved for Vern, because I just came back from the west of Ireland and I'm going to say it's a sheep on the Irish seaside, ooh Nice, just because there's a lot of scents. Yeah, it is a lot of scent, but also, if you shear the sheep, it's a very different beast, mm-hmm.
Speaker 1:Cotton candy was brought up in the nose.
Speaker 2:The sheep resembles cotton candy yeah, out of cotton candy. I hadn't thought about that, but yes, that works too.
Speaker 5:Almost the same thing. Yeah, the original cotton candy was just yeah.
Speaker 1:That is how they make cotton candy right.
Speaker 6:It's from sheep's wool. You want cotton candy, son. You asked for a while it's flavored sheep's wool.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Any guesses as far as age ABV, Dave.
Speaker 3:It's got to be like 57%.
Speaker 1:Okay 46.
Speaker 3:46? Ooh Wow.
Speaker 2:Maybe 48. Okay, well, you peer-pressured me, yeah.
Speaker 1:Any distillery or region.
Speaker 5:I mean, I think I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I I.
Speaker 3:I, I, I I.
Speaker 5:I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I I'm going to go with like an early, like a young six year, some rather um from the Ila's yeah.
Speaker 1:Young, young, ila yeah, anything, dave.
Speaker 6:I mean a young like somewhere between four and six, and I think I'm like on the fence between space side and Highland.
Speaker 2:Yeah, me too. I'm gonna say eight to ten For me at the end. The most predominant note maybe it was kind of a tie between fruitiness but like a floral heathery kind of.
Speaker 3:Come back to Heather. Yeah, there she is again. She has returned.
Speaker 2:Which makes me think, like Dave, kind of Highland or space side.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I'm not bought into the Islay Islay idea. I think I'm kind of more in your guys' group here.
Speaker 2:The only one I can think of is. Boonahabin, because they don't pee a lot of their stuff.
Speaker 1:Well, evan knows what it is so we're not gonna ask him. But yeah, any more guesses and otherwise we'll rate this puppy. All right, let's rate it. I'll go first. So the nose was fantastic, fantastic ride. So much fun, so many smells, so much trademarking in words. And then when I first tried it, it definitely I didn't. Not only did it drop off, but I didn't enjoy it. It was a little bit hard going down for me. But then I added water and it became drinkable and definitely more pleasant and I had a better time. So it was a little bit of roller coaster.
Speaker 1:I give it points for smelling so great. I subtract points for it not tasting great, but then give a couple points back, like I alluded to earlier, for once you add water. Would I buy this? I would not buy this and have it at home. So to me I can't give it anything above an eight. So I'm gonna give it a 7.5 just because I had a great time smelling it. It was fun that it changed from a scotch that I did not like to a scotch. I was like huh, all right, now I'm back here again once I added water and that was fun. So 7.5 for me, dave.
Speaker 3:I'm in a similar neighborhood where I love the nose Was a little bit confused. I mean, I'm a sucker for a scotch that has a really interesting nose, but then the flavor profile lines up a little bit. This was like pretty big departure so I was thinking more of like a seven, even for me.
Speaker 2:And you're, I think I'm gonna go with an eight Classic. I like it. I would buy it again. I guess the way I would describe this is it seems like a challenge, because anything that smells as good as this did has to have something going on. So I'm kind of inclined to think maybe I'm the one missing something on the palette.
Speaker 2:I'm not good enough, rather than this scotch is not good enough, but maybe that's not true, I don't know, but at the least I feel like I definitely want to take this for a second spin and spend longer kind of teasing out the palette, because, yeah, the first whatever 15 minutes we spent nosing this was extraordinary, so I feel like there's got to be something else there On top of that. It was a lot of the flavors that I really enjoy, or a lot of the scents. It was very centiporous in all the ways that I like. So, yeah, I think eight is fair, Evan.
Speaker 1:you brought this scotch. What do you think?
Speaker 4:So I mean just echoing what you guys said. Yeah, obviously the nose was just insane. It was fantastic. Just on the nose alone it was easily a nine or a 10 point scotch. The flavor profile left a little bit to be desired and you know, like Justin, the first sip I took I was like not quite hit me there. And then I added water and it still wasn't quite right. But then the longer it sat, the better it got. And then even now, like you know, it's gross, but I just burped a little bit and I'm like, oh, I got some of that flavor.
Speaker 4:It was actually really good. So I don't know, I'm going to give it not quite an eight, I'll give it a 7.8, you know, like halfway between 7.5 and 7.8. It was really good. I would like to revisit it, but it's one of those scotches that just it needs some time just to sit in the glass and hang out and get to know the room, you know, and then it gets better.
Speaker 1:Vern.
Speaker 5:Yeah, I think there's more here than you know what I was able to extrapolate in these 30 minutes. I would love to try it again. Nose was great. I love a good roller coaster yes, you do, and, as you all know, very passionate. And uh, yeah, same. You know, love a little bit more in the, in the flavor profile. But, like I'm, my curiosity is peaked and I like that. I think it was bright, it was well made and nothing was really wrong with it. It was just kind of lacking more than we go with eight one.
Speaker 1:Okay, Dave.
Speaker 6:Yeah, I liked this scotch. It was good. I'm more like in the world of Vern and Andrew, something about that. That first sip was actually like very refreshing to me. It was a little thicker than I wanted it to be, but I really liked the, the cherry brush that I got. I like cherry candies, you know, like I'm like they're delicious. So I'm going to call this an eight. Two.
Speaker 1:Okay, in your face, vern, I changed my.
Speaker 5:I was going to say the first sip right when it hit my tongue. There was that like starburst I think. You said there was like this, like sweet moment and then kind of everything went numb. But I wonder if I don't wonder what my plan is to next time I drink the scotch is I'm just going to go straight to water out of the gates so like pour my dram, add water and then drink it like that and not wait for it to kind of numb my taste buds. I think that's how you get.
Speaker 3:I'm also super curious what this would taste like as a first scotch. Yeah, totally. I had like a couple of cast strengths. You know earlier, you know, and in moderation obviously for the listeners tiny amounts taste, and you know like I'm curious what this would taste like on a fresh palate. You know, very true.
Speaker 1:All right. So, as a club, our rating of this is 7.76. Great year.
Speaker 5:Great year 776.
Speaker 4:For America, fuck yeah.
Speaker 1:So, evan, you brought the scotch. What are we drinking?
Speaker 4:So this is called Mossburn in Singapore. Huh, distilled at Burned Netties, it's a space site.
Speaker 6:Okay, wow, wow, wow.
Speaker 1:Daynail for the way.
Speaker 4:Before we started recording tonight, I mentioned a little story about how it went to Total Wine and basically everything there was like a Total Wine labeled scotch. This was one of the few that actually wasn't. It was something I've never heard of and. I'm like what the hell? I'll give it a whirl. So yeah. I have no connection to it, is there a year.
Speaker 2:It's a 10 year, sorry.
Speaker 4:It's a 10 year and they seem to be like they're a bottle slash blender, so it's actually distilled at a different distillery and then bottled and blended by Distilled by Ben Rinn. They don't have a lot of tasting notes on here so they said weighty and slightly malty nose gradually release sweet vanilla and honeyed cereal notes. The oak influence is gently on the palate but later adds layer of structure before waiting. Finishing of heating of smoke.
Speaker 1:There's a lot of words there. Yeah, I was no common.
Speaker 5:I was a single common.
Speaker 2:I didn't hear centipherous Slightly.
Speaker 4:Yeah, and I couldn't find a lot of reviews online too. I don't know how popular this scotch is. You know, gave it a whirl. What the hell.
Speaker 2:I mean, that was a pretty great whirl.
Speaker 5:Yeah, super fun. What was the price point on this puppy?
Speaker 4:It's actually with tax it was 92. The price point is 85.
Speaker 2:So age 10 years. Does it say anything about the casks? It's just as oak cask.
Speaker 3:The bottle is really interesting to how it tapers up gently.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the shape is cool. It's got good shape. Yeah, how do you feel, dave, about the design? Very like getting very gangs of New York type.
Speaker 3:Yeah, it's got kind of like a To me. It kind of reminds me of like a classic, like burlap sack that they would hold like grain in which is like graphic designers love that shit. It's like a classic, like where there's like a, you know, like a logo, kind of under a logo. You know it's like two like typography treatments.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 3:I kind of dig it.
Speaker 1:It's fun, it's different you know it's giving me like a old school boxing. Yeah, like a rooster vibe. Yeah, it's pretty tough a little bit.
Speaker 6:Yeah. What's the number 21 about? Is that just like?
Speaker 4:That's the different bottlings they offer. So it's like this particular like. So each bottling is either going to be a different blend or a different distiller, or a different cask.
Speaker 1:Okay, Hell yeah.
Speaker 2:So, if you care, we do this, is this their website.
Speaker 4:To be honest, I don't remember, I just Google it.
Speaker 2:So, talking about the Ben Wren distillery, there are six stills and a spirit is run through worm tub condensers. So this is like super nerdy about the distilling process. But there's two types of condensers which condenses the it's at the end of the distillation process, condenses the vapors. I guess Worm tubs were the old old way of doing it. The new way is called shell and tube, and I don't fully understand this. All I know is that worm tub Distillates are usually considered to be like meteor, a little bit rough around the edges, and so aficionados of scotch seek out distilleries that use that method. And that might explain why we've we felt like that thick, oh yeah Mouth feel at the beginning. Yeah, instead of being like real refined, it's a bit like Meteor, I guess is.
Speaker 1:Anyway, yeah, it will, I definitely got a punch. When I first tasted it.
Speaker 5:I think that was one of our notes was like a kick to the face.
Speaker 6:Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:Well, it was soft because the lotion, with the lotion, everything because the soft. Oh, I enjoyed it, that was fun. Yeah, it was super fun.
Speaker 1:Thanks for bringing it, of course, 57. I know.
Speaker 4:I got to be honest, he Twice.
Speaker 2:Dave nailed it.
Speaker 4:And second it didn't feel that hot 57 is usually like undrinkable, and then it was drinkable.
Speaker 5:But, I think it makes me think, cutting it down, I should add more water, yeah, maybe.
Speaker 4:Yeah, way up front, because otherwise it just like that's why I was like actually super quick to add water.
Speaker 6:Because I knew what the ABU is.
Speaker 5:We should have followed your lead, yeah, okay. So I got a little quote. My boy turned 13 a couple of months ago and so I've been kind of researching quotes and we're going to, you know, be talking through kind of life stuff. So this is one of the quotes that I'm sure I'm going to share with my 13 year old. I'm also going to share with you guys. Perfect, let's see Equivalent. But it's fun, it's, it's quick and easy. So life is 10% what you make it, 90% how you take it. Irving Berlin.
Speaker 6:Cheers, cheers.
Speaker 5:Mazel.
Speaker 2:Tov Cheers yeah To Justin Getting married.
Speaker 6:To Justin, to Justin.
Speaker 4:To Justin Getting married next month.
Speaker 1:So that toast was to your son and to me it's going to be the same one I read at your wedding hey bud. I got a toast for you.
Speaker 3:You've heard it before, but here it is again.
Speaker 5:Different context now.