Mystery Scotch Tasting with Gentlemen of the World
Since 2010 we've been a club that meets up once a month to sample a new, single-malt Scotch Whisky; because drinking scotch is better than not drinking scotch. Only one of us knows what we're drinking. The rest of us are blind tasting. We'll talk about color, smell, taste, and finish. We make predictions about age, region, and, if we're feeling lucky, even distillery. Then we rate it on a scale of 1-10. Remember to always drink responsibly.
Mystery Scotch Tasting with Gentlemen of the World
Glenmorangie Signet
Gentlemen of the World
Episode 29
This time the guys are gifted with a special Scotch from Evan's boss. This bottle of Glenmorangie Signet was a surprise for all of them. They even take back some of the bad things they said in the past! MST Rating: 8.02